"Live Empowered Now!: An Empowering Collective on Coming off the Sidelines and Finding Your GO Button in Life" is the initial collaborative installment of the Live Empowered Now! book series. This collection of moving true stories motivates and transforms while delivered from everyday people who despite a confounding array of circumstances, have chosen to say yes to turning their heart's desires into reality.
Learn more about this inspiring anthology by visionary and bestselling author, Traci Henderson Smith, founder of Live Empowered Publishing, and meet the co-authors at liveempowerednow-thebook.com
Coming Soon...
The Mentor: 21 Nuggets of Woman Wisdom for the Life You Want Now
The Mentor: 21 Male Mantras for the Life You Want Today
Live Empowered Now!: Self-Love as a Substance
Ministry, The Silent Killer
Publish Me Now! Self Study Course
Eden Empowered: Journey to the Authentic You
Fall 2017
If you would like to be considered for our next collection, "Live Empowered Now!: Self-Love as a Substance." Send your query letter to anthologies@liveempoweredpub.com.